->>>>>>About..... 3DOResExplorer 0.0.5
Started write by Altmer (mail:
max220291@list.ru) 23.08.2005
Continued by Ivanov Alexey aka Phoenix 11.05.2011/2012
Great thanks for help:
to Mnemonic (
http://do-homebrew.narod.ru) - help with documentation for CEL format
to Tim Ferguson:
http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~timf/ - help with CINEPAK compression algorithm
+ CEL partial support
+ IMAG 16-bit support
+ BANNERs support
+ STREAM CinePAK video support
+ accessible - Save to BMP
*** NEW up to v.0.0.5:
+ fixed video play to the end
*** NEW up to v.0.0.4:
+ as much as possible clear screen in video streams
+ supports more video headers
*** NEW up to v.0.0.3:
+ fixed STREAM video support
now is possible to watch most cvid streams!!!
known issues:
- half of the picture has scratchy pixels

- Some Stream files still unsupported
- No sound support in the video
*** up to v.0.0.2:
+BIG file extraction added